29 March 2010

Ella's Day Out

March Saga # 2
Ella gets a little depressed when it rains for days. She's a desert dog who loves water - NOT FROM THE SKY!  Soon after several rainy days, Ella took her first road trip to Rio Vista Park.  It's no Fossil Creek,  but it's a winner!!

A lovely park - but even better is the proximity of Skunk Creek Trail just off the park trail.  There is a paved trail and just down from it is the scrubby creek -  that's the destination for Ella. The water was gushing down the sometimes dry stream.  (Ella didn't go on-line to read  the rules before we got there. So she went off leash immediately.)  I'm not sure the leash rules apply down in the creek. There were no people or animals in the water.

Grammie was prepared with doggie bags, leash, water. 
Gramps  was the cameraman.

What a blast!  Ella is in her element. She was quickly leaping, bounding,  swimming and eventually she disappeared.  She returned victorious - a new baseball in her mouth. 
(Don't ask/Don't Tell....I assume it was in the water.)

A ball of any kind is Ella's lifeblood. 
Turtles = boring! 
Birds = a point or a short chase, no big thrill.
People = can toss balls and scratch backs - fine. 

What a perfect romp for Ella. She didn't really mind the shampoo later!

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