06 August 2009

A Kindred Soul

Below you see my friend, Sylvia (yes!). She is in my yoga class. A while back she told me she sewed - just a little, she said. Not only does she sew garments but is a great quilter. A few weeks ago she showed me a heirloom quilt she made using old family pictures in sepia tones. It was gorgeous.

She is a bit shy about her talents. Take a look at this quilt she is basting together. She will quilt it on her machine. (Notice how yoga keeps her in good shape!!)
Here is a scrappy quilt she is making in sections.

This pillow is for a granddaughter ready to leave for college. Cute, huh? She is a very sweet lady and I bet a wonderful grandma!


sewnews said...

Very nice work beautiful colors

Sissie said...

The creator of that pretty quilt told me: "The quilt I am quilting now is for one of my daughters. The scrappy one is fun. It is one I will do on the machine as soon as my free motion improves. The blocks are 13 inches."