14 September 2008

Community Sewing Day

September is National Sewing Month. In recognition, our local American Sewing Guild Chapter
http://phoenixasg.org/ arranged "Sit and Sew" days at locations across the valley. Saturday I participated in the charity sewing held at 35th Ave Sew & Vac http://www.35thavesewandvac.com/. The store owners kindly allowed us to use a nice, large room. Lynn had everything organized. She had kits already cut for walker bags, fidget quilts*, Christmas stockings, pillow cases and nappy quilts. About 16 of us brought our machines and slaved from 9-2:00pm! It was really fun, no pressure and lots of laughs. The snacks really helped us keep going & sewing. We made 56 items for our designated charities. Go to our website and look under community service for specifics. There are definitely perks when we meet in a fabric store....yeah, right! - none of us left without adding a few fabrics to our stash or notions collection!

*Pictured is a fidget quilt. These little lap quilts are made for individuals who have Alzheimer's disease. All the tactile additions to the quilts keep fidgety hands busy and happy.

OH, one of my cyber buddies shared a new word today.....barfable...good one, huh? Go ahead, use it in a sentence today!

1 comment:

quilteddogs said...

A good time was had by all.