26 August 2009

What a surprise!

Take a look at our unwelcome surprise after a long, relaxing weekend in the mountains! This was a huge Argentine mesquite in the front yard. Friday night's storm ripped half of the tree away. Our dear, sweet neighbors didn't even call us. They hacked and stacked the broken limbs.

Looks like we'll lose the tree. Experts are on the way to give us an estimate. One thing I know, it will cost a lot more than the weekend get away did. Ouch!


suzy said...

Lucky the house wasn't damaged, and no one was hurt. That was quite the storm though - very welcome moisture!

quilteddogs said...

Oooohh boy. This happened to our Mesquite tree as well. Not quite as bad as yours and we did not have to cut down the tree. What a pain for you.