Couple of things I would like to share.
Seen on line recently, 4-year-old Fashionista:

Her name is Mayhem. Yes, adorable, precious and so on. Mom says they only take a few minutes to make and Mayhem takes a very active design and construction role. See more here
Now take a look at this 4-year-old young fashionista -
This little southern lady models a crepe paper dress her mom made! Most likely she was in a recital or a flower girl. She is well known in my circle of friends!
Can you guess who she might be?
(Hint: she still has curly hair)
Go on the comments section.
I am so glad to see news on your blog! I think it is Cornelian Jean are 100% correct. You are the grant winner!!! ;-)
Oh My what do I win?!
She's Baaaaack! Oh goody, goody, goody!
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