21 April 2012

Embroidery Review Time

Sadly the sewing studio has been dark a lot lately. The resident sewist took a vacation and then got sick. Oh well, life happens. But just prior to all  that ...a special order came in! More logo shirts for the dear SIL. He is so appreciative it's just a joy to sew his business logo on the polo shirts.

 Truth be known, I haven't done embroidery in a while. 
Getting those memory cells to kick in was interesting. 

Prep takes almost as much time as the actual embroidery...or sew it seems!
He selected an alternate color for the lettering because the regular blue would be "lost" on this color shirt. SIL loves to choose from the colors in the embroidery thread box.(Isn't that like a kid with new crayons?)   And as Mrs Murphy predicts.....if you want it to be perfect for someone you love...everything goes wrong! LOL My thread constantly shredded..and I broke three needles. I wonder if some of my threads are getting old and dried out?
The embroideries eventually worked out fine...whew!   If you want sun screens and great service just look on Craig's List for Sun Blockers -- the owner/installer is a sweetheart. His product and his shirts are very professional.

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