03 September 2010

Downward Facing Dog

This is my fantastic new yoga bag. I was compelled to make it because I fell in love with the Yoga Dog designs  from Embroidery Library.
I've made this bag pattern before in trade for some work.  It is a free Amy Butler pattern - oh my gosh, no. It is from Sew4Home. They used Amy Butler fabric in the picture.  I made some changes because I wanted to try using two-sided quilted fabric rather than lining the tote. JoAnn's had this pretty batik print.
I bound the seams to provide a neat finish inside. That is not a problem until you start sewing over layers. Stitching two layers of double quilted fabric, plus two layers of folded bias binding, to square the corners was horrific. Arg....I'm surprised that only one needle broke. I wouldn't choose to do it again. Even with the walking foot and the  "jean-a-ma-jig" it was way thick. Oh, and I pounded that seam as well.  

I could not find brown cotton webbing (no patience to order it - had to be NOW) so I used nylon webbing. Just let the iron touch that nylon webbing one little bit and you've learned a BIG lesson.

I do like the bag but the original, lined version is much easier. I could sell the totes if people could afford me. Honestly, if you ONLY consider the cost of the fabric, webbing and the designs  & thread - sure someone would love to buy it. But....now consider the time it takes to make it.  Sewists understand what a dilemma it is to figure out what to charge 

However...I love the generous sized bag. The pattern states -we guarantee good karma for all who tote the tote to class.  How Zen! I did have loads of lovely compliments in my yoga class. Truly, I am considering making some more for yoga friends.

Are you smiling when you look at this? 
I thought so!

Beagle in Camel Pose!
(P.S.  I can do this pose but Kelly does it much better!)


sewnews said...

Oh it turned out way cute. Love the designs. Color are quite nice also. Good Job!

quilteddogs said...

Yup, I would think the people in your yoga class would be on that like white on rice.

Noreen said...

Yes you can do that pose and tons of others! Your sewing friends should see what a GREAT Yogini you are!