10 July 2010

Yeah, but summer veggies are good...

My sister's visit was way too brief. After she left I was blue - she is so much fun!  We love to hear her laugh. I moped around a couple of days and then reality set in. I had piles of laundry and an empty cupboard. One jar of peanut butter just won't do it. On the other hand, I wore clothes from the dark reaches of the closet. Ummm, interesting.
I got a quick veggie fix at the farmer's market.

Eat your heart out...the okra ended up coated with corn meal and fried. My heart be still....hubby thought he died and went to Texas. Yes, OKRA is a wonderful veggie.  We had squash, potatoes, kale and a fantastic olive bread from a local baker.

  Ella showed up in a t-shirt for family dinner. Her parents swear she likes it. Evidently she does! You see it is an ESS shirt.

I  finished my tribal wall hanging. The final touch was the border fabric and a few beads. I got hooked on this African theme after I read Alexander McCall Smith's series, the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.
I may get more sewing done since we're past dry heat and into monsoon.

This small print is so cute, hope you can click to see the details. Carole and I happened upon it at 35th Ave. It turned out to be perfect for my project.

And another "perfect" score...is the picture frame I found for the "doggie-taking-a-bath-in-the-woods" embroidery!  
It's a giggle for sure.
Please leave a comment for Ella.


quilteddogs said...

Glad you are coming around now that your sister has gone back. Nice photo of the veggies. Okra? Blagh.

sewnews said...

Yes, fun times with sister are hard to let go of. Great looking veggies. No t sure I have ever had okra.

Projects are terrific

Sz said...

Besides reading the #1 Ladies Detective Agency, you should check out the episodes - maybe from Netflix.

They're great! Detective stories with no guns or dead bodies - imagine! Alas, there's only one season.

Sissie said...

I have indeed watched all the episodes of #1.... I love them. I read that Sheldon Leonard was one of the major producers. With his death there may not be any addition episodes. So sad!