15 May 2010

Ella's Brief Comments

Here's the thing.....I just got this new hair cut for summer. No problem, I am lookin' fine! Is it possible I am going on a trip? Obviously I am out of the loop!

You know, I take care of the grams Tues-Friday, which is tiring enough, 
(I have to guard them ALL the time! And dang, one of them is always on the move!!) 
Then you throw in a couple hours at the groomer....OMG!   Sure, I get an extra  treat afterwards but honestly, I am so sleepy I can barely gnaw.
You cannot imagine the socialization work I have to do at the VIP Groomers! Bunch of little scared poodles and wimpy things in there!
   Sorry fellow Springers, I am an embarrassment to my breed, later on I crash  BIG TIME. My family calls this the "broken neck syndrome". 
I know, I know, I'm pathetic!!!
Thank goodness I go back to my parents on Friday nights!

1 comment:

jazmin said...

Oh Ella you are lookin so COOL for summer. I could use some lock trimmin. Rest up a Springers work is never done. Jazmin